Voter Action Project Election Reminder tool

Consultant > Voter Action Project Election Reminder tool

If you follow DDI, you are well aware that our democracy, and many of our freedoms are at stake, as a result of the choices we and our neighbors make when we cast our votes this November

 we are all in this together!

Sign Up to receive Election Reminders in your Congressional and Legislative District.

Share this with your neighbors – encourage them to stay informed.

Indivisible Washington’s Take Action Network was founded on the principle that you want to help improve the world, but your time and energy are limited. You especially want to work on the issues that matter most to you, and don’t want to spend your efforts on actions and events that won’t make a difference.

Take Action Network automatically provides you with personalized actions and events matched to your interests, values, and abilities from trustworthy sources. All actions and events are categorized by issue, type of action, organization that hosts the action, time-duration, and location. These are matched to the details you provide in your profile, yielding highly relevant actions for you. You visit your dedicated action feed at any time and find the timeliest and most relevant actions for you.

The Take Action Network or TAN personalizes the actions you view. When you provide your address where you are registered to vote, or your Legislative and Congressional Districts, it shows you who your elected officials are. This makes taking actions quick and easy, as only actions relevant to your elected officials will be shown to you, and scripts are pre-filled with the correct information.

You can also create highly customized search alerts that deliver to your inbox actions each morning matching actions and events that were created the prior day.